Clinton Would Allow Sectarian Violence in Iraq

Senator Clinton has finally provided details about what she thinks the strategy in Iraq should be. It does not bode well for the Iraqi people and it ensures that US forces will be in Iraq for many years to come, albeit on a smaller scale. Interestingly enough, Senator Clinton’s plan is everything that Democrats have … Read more

The Surge and Why

This article makes a very clear explanation of why the surge was necessary. There is need for a political solution in Iraq. That does not preclude the need for security in Iraq. And from where we are today, US and coalition forces are the best choice to provide that security. I think John McCain was … Read more

iTunes music doesn’t work on my player /whine

From this article: “Do you think it’s fine that a CD plays in all CD players but that an iTunes song only plays in an iPod? I don’t. Something has to change,” EU Consumer Protection Commissioner Kuneva was quoted as saying in a preview of an interview to be published on Monday. Why? Why does … Read more

Youth is Wasted on the Young

In an office conversation today someone said that their nine month old baby was boring. Wow! On impulse I said that I would gladly give up one year of my life in exchange for one more hour to hold my infant children again. After thinking about it, I would do that even if that hour … Read more

World Trade Center

“World Trade Center (Widescreen Edition)” (Oliver Stone) This weekend we watched the movie, World Trade Center. This is the story about two Port Authority Police Officers who were trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The two were found and dug out. They survived some 18 to 24 hours … Read more

What Plan?

Anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr fled Iraq for Iran ahead of a security crackdown in Baghdad and the arrival of 21,500 U.S. troops sent by President Bush to quell sectarian violence, a senior U.S. official said Tuesday (source). At least one major insurgent component is now reacting to us instead of us reacting to them. Most … Read more

Grammy Award Politics

So, the Dixie Chicks won five Grammy Awards. So now, they’re ready to ‘make nice’ or so says the headline of this article. I’m sure that politics had nothing to do with it. I am sure the song, ‘Not Ready to Make Nice‘ was absolutely the best song recorded this year. It is purely coincidental … Read more


Stampede! Originally uploaded by Robby Edwards. This is where I want to live! I want to own that barn and the land around it. I want to worry about whatever it is you have to worry about when bison trek through your property on a regular basis. Beautiful way to spend one’s life.

Iraq: The Road from Here

Senator Clinton, a Democrat of New York, skated between the shades of anti-war sentiment in her party by promising not to defund the war but threatening to defund the Iraqi government. “I would never cut off funding for our soldiers in harm’s way,” she said. “But I would sure cut money for Iraqi troops. I … Read more