Why people have sex: It feels good

The study interviewed 444 people and came up with 237 ‘unique’ reasons to have sex. Then 1500 and some odd college students were surveyed to find out how those 237 reasons ranked. Statistically, there are a couple of problems here. 444 people provided 237 unique reasons and the surveyors thought they had a comprehensive list. … Read more

Turn your world upside-down with Unicode

When I was a kid I used to like to put numbers into the calculator – they had just been invented – and see what words I could make. Pretty quickly I discovered that 7734 spelled hell when you turned the calculator upside down. But hell is a bad word so I figured out that … Read more

Switched On: Apple’s brash Flash clash rehash

“For all the attention on the love-hate relationship between Apple and Microsoft, there’s another software superpower with which Apple is increasingly butting heads, Adobe.” So, the upshot of the article is that AppleTV and iPhone are in a weaker position because they don’t support Flash. Yet, YouTube is converting it’s library of video to h.264 … Read more

At Walter Reed, a New Approach

Another long, hard road for the American military. However, it seems that we have to revisit this particular issue every time there’s a war. The stories of society’s miserable handling of the war wounded and disabled date back to the Napoleonic wars and before. The issue is made worse during unpopular wars when there are … Read more

Woman raped before honor killing to add more honor.

“Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.” From the last sermon of Prophet Mohammed We keep hearing that Islam is the religion of peace. And then we keep hearing stories like this. Stories about people getting killed because they have converted to some other religion … Read more

Iraq wins the Asian football cup!

First, congratulations to the Iraqis. There are numerous stories coming out about how this is uniting Iraq, supposedly where politics could not. Maybe. I think it is significant to see the Iraqis on the international sports scene. I think it is important. It is one more step on the path to becoming a nation taken … Read more