Testing from iPhone
This is a test of WordPress 2.0. Smittie
I'm the village idiot, I don't have anything to do with this pathetic little opera, I just felt like passing through!
This is a test of WordPress 2.0. Smittie
I upgraded from 4.12 to 4.2. The upgrade from 3.5 to 4.12 went flawlessly. So, this should be a simple thing, right? All the templates for my blog are gone. I did exactly that same thing I did when I upgraded from 3.5 to 4.12. Copied the files to the MT4 directory on my server. … Read more
Go to digg.com’s US Elections 2008 section and scroll through the items there. All the items have over a thousand ‘diggs’. What’s interesting is that almost none of those articles come from any of the major news outlets. Moreover, it is very rare to find an article on Mr. McCain that is positive or an … Read more
I really have moved Smittie’s Ramblings over to Feedburner. So, if you’re reading this via your favorite newsreader, please change the feed URL to http://feeds.feedburner.com/SmittiesRamblings. At some point soon, the existing non-Feedburner URL will stop working. So, please, change the URL now. Thanks. aloha [posted with ecto]
This is classic. The music industry is what it is today because of AM and then FM radio. That was the primary means of discovery of new music. The recording industry understood this. That is why the radio stations are allowed to play music without royalties. The dinosaur thrashes more violently as it sinks deeper … Read more
The urban legend about an evil gang that drugs its victims and steals their kidneys has been circulating for years. Turns out, someone in India thought that might be a good idea. The next item on my ToDo list: Cancel all plans to travel to India. aloha [posted with ecto]
She said it does worry her that future employers could see these photos when she applies for a job. “I know an employer won’t [realize] I know how to separate work and personal time, and I have no intentions of being wrapped around a toilet at a job.” This poor girl doesn’t even begin to … Read more
Forrester’s James L. McQuivey says it’s time for Apple to change its video game plan, starting with winning NBC back. Yesterday Greg Sandoval, quoting McQuivey’s report, tried to convince us that Apple should go grovelling after NBC because they represent 30% of a business that is used by 19% of iPod owners. This is a … Read more
For anyone that was interested in my use of geotagging in our house hunt, here’s an article that talks about geotagging on a larger scale. I thought Google’s Panoramio was very cool. I’m going to look into uploading some of my photos there. Right now it looks like most of the work posted there is … Read more
…appearing daily in the press is still exposure. Google News is one of a number of online news sources that I read several times a day. Theoretically, Google News should have no bias because it the news articles that appear there are selected mechanically by software that searches the news. Other aspects of Google lead … Read more