Army-wide barracks inspection ordered

“Folks, we let our soldiers down; that is not like us,” Brig. Gen. Dennis Rogers, the deputy director of Operations & Facilities of Army Installation Command, told reporters. “There is no good excuse for what happened.”

While the walk-through is not yet complete, Rogers said that garrison commanders have reported so far that “soldiers are being housed to the Army’s standard,” but stopped short of describing the poor barracks conditions some soldiers are living in at Fort Bragg as an isolated incident.

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Apparently, Brig Gen Dennis Rogers missed the news reports about Building 18 at Walter Reed. Rogers is far more accurate in saying that soldiers are being house to the Army’s standard.

I stayed in a building that is identical to the building in question at Fort Bragg. I was at Fort Dix, New Jersey. I was there attending the 38B Reclassification Course. It is a month long course. The building was exactly the same save that the paint wasn’t pealing, there was no mold, all the plumbing worked and, for the most part, it wasn’t bad. The school house cadre was pretty aggressive about addressing issues. They were very clear that any discrepancies needed to be reported to them as soon as they were discovered. All of this to say, just because it’s old does not mean it can’t be clean and comfortable.


[posted with ecto]

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