Options and Opportunities

Day 74
Back in camp, standing watch, dealing with all that comes with being “in the rear”. Today we attended General Military Training (GMT). Topics covered; Sexual Harrassment, the grievance process, Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Combat Stress and Suicide. Fascinating stuff. No, really.

Camp seems the same as when I left but it seems that I’m different. Keeping a positive attitude and not getting caught up in the negativity that permeates at least my part of camp is more important to me. I also realize that I want to do more Survivor: TPE episodes and spend less time in the rear. I have a lot to think about with regard to my military career after I finish this. The Army and Civil Affairs is still attractive. I’ve heard that there are opportunities to be involved in SpecOps support teams as a Navy Reservist. I’d like to look into that. But the wildest and most appealing idea is the Australian Navy.

It seems that I might be able to join the Australian Navy as an active duty member. That’s something I find very interesting. Australia currently tops my list of places I’d like to live. Serving in the Australian Navy would not only allow me to live in Australia but also visit a lot of places that I didn’t get to see while serving in the US Navy. I’ve heard that I might very well be taken in as an officer which would mean a fairly decent paycheck and better privileges. I plan to investigate further.


4 thoughts on “Options and Opportunities”

  1. There will still be other opportunities for you and your wife to look at. Remember, it is a team effort!
    I cannot say how happy I am to see you are BACK! I truly think that I was addicted to your blog! It has just been such an enlightenment to hear about Camp Spearhead from your view and since my boyfriend and I have been going through a difficult time over the past month, I really have not heard anything on the trials and tribulations of Camp Spearhead for the past month. I do hope that we work through all of that and get back to healthy communication.
    Glad that you are back and I am looking forward to your entries.
    P.S. Is there an addiction hotline for blogs? haha

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