Thinking About Home…

Day 133
Blogging everyday is harder on my current watch schedule. My apologies for the empty days.
I think about my family a lot lately. I’d like to see them again. It’s fun to talk to with my wife about our plans for when I get home. Daydreaming about those plans seems to help me deal with the stress of being separated from them for so long. Damn, it’s been a long time.

Stars & Stripes had an article talking about the fact that personnel returning from OIF often don’t want anyone but immediate family around for the first few days they are back. I hadn’t thought about it but I can see now that will be true for me as well. I have been in the company of no less that 8 people since I’ve been over here. There is no privacy save what you’re able to create in your head. In my tent we often sit spending time on our computers with the lights out and our back to each other. I’m not sure about the rest of the guys but for me it give the illusion of being alone. I’m looking forward to being alone.

I’m looking forward to using toilets that flush. I’m really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again someday. I’m looking forward to eating food not prepared by a fast food outlet or a cafeteria. I’m looking forward to eating food that I chose. I’m looking forward to surfing. I’m looking forward to having to wear a jacket. I’m looking forward to going to hula practice again. I’m sure I suck. Much as I love the guys I’m currently deployed with, I looking forward to not being around them for a while. I look forward to putting my son on my shoulders. I look forward to hugging my daughter. I look forward to holding my wife for a really long time.


1 thought on “Thinking About Home…”

  1. Okay, it’s in print. You look forward to hula practice? This I have yet to see…
    Sent an e-mail to you last week; you must have a lot of catching up to do.

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