Shuiaba Weather

Day 10
They keep telling us that the heat in the summer is going to be unbearable. That may be true but I have to say, the weather right now is awesome. Bright warm days, cool breezy nights. It’s really nice.

The discussions of summer temperatures are pretty interesting too. We started out hearing that it got into the 120’s here. Then, as time went on, the number kept creeping up. It gets to be 125 in Shuiaba. It gets to be 130 in Shuiaba. Pretty soon they were saying it gets to be 150 in Shuiaba. Hum? OK, that may be true but recorded record for Kuwait is 52 degrees C. I spoke with the corpsman who was involved in tracking the temperatures. He said that the highest he saw was 136 degree F. 120, 130 degrees. Yeah, that’s awfully hot.

It will be interesting to experience it. I wonder if it is that hot every day of the summer or if there is variance that provides a break from the extreme heat. If you want to track the weather I’m enjoying – or suffering through – you can check here.


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