Corporal Missile 47 years later

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently went to White Sands Missile Range for training. Well, 47 years ago, or there abouts, my father was at White Sands Missile Range to test fire the Corporal Missile. Here’s the family standing in from of the Corporal missile displayed at the WSMR museum.

I’m not exactly sure but I suspect that I was born while he was stationed at or near White Sands Missile Range. I was born at William Beaumont Hospital in El Paso, Texas which is the hospital that serves Fort Bliss, White Sands Missile Range and several smaller posts in the area. This building I’m standing in front of is not the building I was born in. When I was born, the hospital was a whitewashed wooden structure. There was a picture of it inside.

[posted with ecto]

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